I have had a delightful week with the Lloyd family in Wales, and I will miss them quite a lot when I head out later today. If you wonder why I’ve been a bit tardy in posting, however, it’s probably because I’ve been busy catching pheasants with them!
Here’s a sneak peek into “pheasant farming!”

Young birds are sold to local shooting clubs and live in large outdoor pens. Though it might seemcruel, it's important to remember that while in meat farming all animals will be culled, pheasants have a "flying chance" to get away!

Don't be alarmed by the scissors! Trimming the tips of the flight feathers on one wing ensures that the young pheasants stay in their pen until they're old enough to fly out. It doesn't hurt them...it's just like trimming your hair!

This is a pair of "bohemian" pheasants. While most pheasants range from dabbled red-brown to dark umber, these birds are pale blonde. They're more rare...and certaintly beautiful!