You cannot possibly see all of London in 12 hours. But we gave it the good ‘ol college try.
London is a city in which the height of contemporary jostles imperceptivity amongst thousands of years of ancient history. It’s a war that is waged every day in its streets; seen in ancient medieval walls left lying to open air twenty yards from a Nando’s; and Shakespeare’s Globe rebuilt to minute detail alongside the roar of jet boats on the Thames. It is bustling, loud, alternately sweltering and chilling, often smelly, and as dense an urban jungle as I’ve ever seen. It is a place where every blind corner holds another fantastic street performer and each sidewalk stretches into seemingly endless lines of apartment buildings. It is a terrifying, exhilarating, confusing and electrifying city. It is a place you can learn to love through sheer bafflement. London is well and truly brilliant.
In twelve hours, my Lovely Host Alex and I managed to cover several attractions.
St. Paul’s Cathedral
Central London
The London Eye
Big Ben
Street Performances alongside South Bank
Coffee at the National Theater
The London Bridge Experience & Tombs
Borough Market
Sir Francis Drake’s Galleon (ship)
War Horse at the New London Theater
The London Bridge Experience was terrifying, the street performances amusing, and War Horse was incredible. It was a perfect way to end a fabulous day in London. I cannot wait to go back.